Saturday, June 12, 2010

Weird Wacky Words of the Week (1)

Chapstick 1) My lips are so dry, you have any Chapstick?

Morse code 1) The telegraph uses Morse code.

Roman calendar 1) Most Western countries use the Roman calendar (Jan.-Dec.)

The Pentagon 1) The main building for the U.S. military is called "he Pentagon".

cleft lip/hair lip 1) Joaquin Phoenix has a hair lip.

comical 1) We watched the monkey ride the bike, it was very comical.

curios 1) My son was very curious, " Why is the sky blue?" he asked me.
2) Curiosity killed the cat.

eccentric 1) Michael Jackson was very eccentric.

1) My great great grand father came to the U.S., so counting him, my
grandfather, my dad, and me, that's 4 generations who have lived in the U.S.

grotesque 1) I don't like horror movies, they are too grotesque.

kooky 1) My co-worker Harry wears green everyday. Everyone thinks he is a little kooky.

1) He was 30 minutes late to the meeting, and he just walked in non-chalantly,
like it was no big deal.

pentagon 1) A square has 4 sides, but a pentagon has 5.

regalia 1) The military parade featured service men and women wearing full regalia.

riddle 1) I have a riddle for you: What has three letters, and is read the same forward and
backwards, & rhymes with a word that is important to everyone. What word is it?

romanticize 1) You shouldn't romanticize about war, it's an ugly business.

slapstick 1) Do you like The Three Stooges? They do great slapstick.

viscous 1) That dog can't be around children, it's just too viscous.

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